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Arkley, Rodney J., Soils of the Santa Cruz Campus, June 1963.

Brown, Martha, and Kenneth Norris, ed., Academic Plan for the Campus Natural Areas Reserve, UCSC Natural Reserve Committee, no date.

Buck, Roy, Botanical Survey for University of California, Santa Cruz Long Range Development Plan: Project Actions, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures, November 10, 1987.

Cahn, Lorie, et. quit., A Proposed UCSC Natural Resources Management Plan, UCSC Office of Campus Facilities, 1977.

California Liaison Committee of the Regents of the University of California and the State Board of Education, Master Plan for Higher Education in California 1960-1975, 1960.

Council for Financial Aid to Education, Voluntary Support for Education, 1979-1980, May, 1987.

Ferris, Robert M., Assessment of Wildlife Impacts for the UCSC Long Range Development Plan, October 1987.

McBride, Joel R., University of California Santa Cruz Analysis of Vegetation and Land Management Program, 1987.

University of California, Planning for the University's Facility Needs in the 80's, Office of the President, Berkeley, California, November 10, 1982.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Academic Plan for the University of California at Santa Cruz, UCSC Office of the Academic Vice Chancellor, 1977.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Long Range Development Plan, University of California, Santa Cruz, UCSC Office of Campus Facilities, September 1963.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Long Range Development Plan, University of California at Santa Cruz, UCSC Office of Campus Facilities, 1971.

University of California, Santa Cruz, 1978 Long Range Development Plan, University of California, Santa Cruz, UCSC Office of Campus Facilities, no date.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Space Plan, Office of the Chancellor, March 1986.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Twenty-Year Plan, Office of the Chancellor, July 1985.

Warrick, Sheridan F., ed., The Natural History of the UC Santa Cruz Campus, Environmental Field Program, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1982.

Weiner, Robert, and Kenneth Norris, A Plan for a Natural Areas Reserve on the UC Santa Cruz Campus, Publication No. 12, Environmental Field Program, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1983.

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