This LRDP was prepared in two stages. During a 15-month period, the Long Range Development Plan Committee, representing the Academic Senate, the campus administration, the student body, and the community, prepared a preliminary draft Long Range Development Plan. In June 1987 this study was approved by former-Chancellor Sinsheimer. In March 1988, Chancellor Stevens approved a number of modifications recommended by the LRDP Committee and made two additional substantive changes--a fifth inclusion area was added to the plan, and a section entitled "Reviews" was added to formalize the role of the City of Santa Cruz in campus planning.
Other campus committees, including the Campus Land Use Policy Committee, met often throughout the planning process to discuss LRDP issues. Twelve public meetings, advertised in the local print media, were held to describe the evolving plan and to elicit comments. These meetings included formal public presentations followed by question and answer sessions, as well as informal workshops conducted at McHenry Library, where people conversed directly with members of the LRDP Committee. More than 350 letters, some expressing concern, some expressing support, and some providing suggestions, were received during the preparation of this plan.
In 1985 a City/University Housing Task Force was established jointly by former-Mayor Wormhoudt and former-Chancellor Sinsheimer. Its charge was "to identify ways of creating new housing stock in Santa Cruz."\ In September 1986 the Task Force submitted a seven-point recommendation to the LRDP Committee outlining housing goals and policies for the campus, as well as recommendations extending beyond the scope of the LRDP. The LRDP Committee adopted the Task Force-recommended goal of striving to house on campus 70 percent of undergraduate students, 50 percent of graduate students not in certificate programs, 25 percent of faculty members, and 50 percent of new staff members recruited from outside Santa Cruz County, subject to financial feasibility. [15]
In May 1988, following a review of the March 1988 draft LRDP, the University Office of the President asked the campus to revise the Plan to focus on those elements that are appropriate for Regental action. The campus Office of Finance, Planning, and Administration responded by preparing this revised LRDP. A separate document, containing elements appropriate for guiding campus-level planning, has been prepared.
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